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Volunteers needed to transport, groom, play with, and foster bunnies.  Please contact BWF if you have time to spare for the bunnies!

Foster a Bunny!

Please sign up to be a foster and help us socialize our buns so they can get proper homes!  

Sponsor a Bunny! 

Donate directly to a specific bun on Petfinder! Just click on the bunny you want to sponsor and click the "Sponsor Me" button.

Support Through Advocacy

ANIMALS ARE DYING AT SANTEE ALLEY! Please help us combat animal cruelty in the Los Angeles Fashion District.

BWF Mission and History 

BWF Mission & History:

Bunny World Foundation (BWF) is an ALL-Volunteer, non-profit 501(c) 3 animal welfare organization founded in 2008 in Los Angeles, California. Set up to promote (Shelter) Equity and Equality for Rabbits, BWF's mission is to combat animal cruelty, illegal animal sales, exploitation, and neglect of all animals, through rescue efforts, public education, investigations, legislation, events, and media attention. In addition, BWF works to reduce rabbit overpopulation and establish rabbits as companion animals that deserve the same individual rights, level of care, and opportunity for longevity as cats and dogs that live as human companions. BWF manages a complex Foster & Adoption Program that requires constant strengthening and expansion to accommodate new rescues and provide for their intensive care, medication, supplies, and Spay/Neuter funds. BWF has 150 volunteers/fosters and rescues 1000-1500 abandoned and abused domestic rabbits annually.

BWF is proud to celebrate the 16-year voyage, which began with the fierce struggle to bring to light illegal animal sales in the LA Fashion District (2008-2013). As a result, BWF rescued over 20,000 rabbits in the City of LA, ranging from un-weaned baby bunnies from Santee Alley to adult bunnies from the over-inundated city and county shelters. In the past year alone, BWF took in over 1500 rabbits, including "Red," "Blue," and "Orange" alert rabbits from the six LA city shelters, Southeast Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA), Pasadena Humane Society, Ramona Humane Society, and Animal Services Center - City of Mission Viejo Animal Control. In 2022, BWF housed, provided medical care, promoted, and found permanent and loving homes for more than 1500 spayed and neutered rabbits; In 2023, BWF staged 60 adoption events and workshops. Regarding global social media outreach, BWF grew to be the world's largest rabbit rescue & education source. With 500,000+ followers, BWF posts are shared by millions of bunny lovers worldwide.

In the Summer of 2022, BWF rescued over 300 rabbits from the Mar Vista Hoarding Situation. Following weeks of trapping of Mar Vista bunnies left to perish in one of the most horrific hoarding situations Los Angeles has ever seen, BWF worked diligently to rescue all ORANGE, BLUE, and RED-alerted rabbits from the six LAAS shelters. All the rabbits were taken to the vet, chipped, spayed/neutered, and fostered out. Some are already enjoying their permanent homes. Once again, BWF volunteers repeated their heroic efforts, without which 300 domestic bunnies would have perished. BWF's extraordinary rescue and rehabilitation work got featured in various news articles. Due to the excessive number of medical cases, BWF Primary Vet agreed to designate a BWF Vet day where the hospital sees ONLY BWF rabbits. As a result, BWF Caravan transports 10 – 12 rabbits to Northwood Animal Hospital every Wednesday. Exceptional cases that require more complex diagnostics, CT Scans, ophthalmology, and neurological treatments, are taken to VCA West Hospital. As a result, 50-60 rabbits are treated each month!

In 2022 BWF was featured on Chinese and Spanish TV Channels, Access Hollywood, and in multiple publications. 'COVID bunny rabbits' returned, overwhelming rescue groups and some shelters. Rescue organizations are inundated with calls from people going back to work who return their pet bunnies BY Stephen Scauzillo was picked up by the following:  Los Angeles Daily News, The Press-Enterprise, Orange County Register, Long Beach Press-Telegram, Pasadena Star News, Whittier Daily News, Redland Daily Facts, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, San Bernardino Sun, and Torrance Daily Breeze.

In the past, BWF was featured multiple times in LA Times, Huffington Post, LA Business Journal, KABC, CBS, and NBC’s Eight-piece Investigation . BWF voice was heard on KSWD/100.3FM The Sound, 89.3 KPCC, and 102.7 KIIS FM/570 KLAC AM/98.7 KYSR FM. Santee Alley Baby Bunnies *WON* the Genesis Award at the Humane Society of the United States and the Emmy Award at the 65th LA Area Emmy Awards Nominations & Winners. In 2016 BWF was featured on ABC7 in FABlife episode promoting “Bunnies & Tragedy of Easter,” The Show & Tell Show with Caroline Elliott, and “Vegans in Music. CBS featured BWF as one of the FIVE "Best VolunteerOpportunities for Animal Lovers in Los Angeles." 

BWF track record of effectiveness has led to meaningful victories for animals in city legislatures.  BWF received the recognition by The County of LA (Michael D. Antonovich), The California State Assembly (Cameron M. Smyth), and The City of Santa Clarita (Frank Ferry, Mayor).

Public Outreach & Education:

In 2016, BWF Volunteers pulled off TEN events during Easter including Kidspace Children's Museum in Pasadena, Western University of Health Sciences College in Pomona, Arts for Animal's Sake in Silverlake, Bunnymania in Wilding Crane Gallery and Chung King Studio (The National Museum of Animals) in Los Angeles. In addition, BWF representatives visited California Wildlife Center, attended the First Eagle Rock Animal Fest, the HSUS Gala, and participated in The National Animal Rights Day (NARD). BWF organized 50+ Adoption events, including the Bunny Brushing Fest at Petco Pasadena. In Oct-Nov, BWF Volunteers showed up at the Bridges Academy Community Service Fair in Studio City, Montebello Pet Fair in Montebello, Kidspace in Pasadena (again), Temple Aliyah’s Mitzvah Day Fair, Tofurky Trot 5K at the Rose Bowl Stadium organized by National Museum of Animals & Society.

Excerpts/Prior Achievements

In 2000, SEVERAL RABBITS WERE RESCUED FROM THE SAN DIEGO LABORATORY WITH MULTIPLE DIFFICULT INJURIES. All the rabbits were medically treated, healed, and adopted into permanent homes.

In October 2019, BWF rescued 100+ rabbits from Santa Clarita and Getty Fires. Our holding area with 100 rabbits had to evacuate. Many of our fosters in Canyon Country, Santa Clarita, and the Brentwood area had to flee. Without BWF's aid, 100+ domestic bunnies would have perished after their human families fled during the mandatory evacuations. Freezing nights bore down on these desperate bunnies; they needed immediate evacuation. Some got injured during the evacuation, while others underwent GI Stasis due to incredible stress. Many rescued rabbits developed pneumonia and respiratory issues. BWF has taken homeless pet rabbits strewn in all manner of circumstances. All the rabbits were taken to the vet, chipped, spayed/neutered, and fostered out.

Illegal Animal Sales in Santee Alley: Santee Alley, LA Fashion District, was the city's number one haven for illegal animal sales where underaged rabbits, kittens, salmonella infected turtles, parvo-infected puppies, and exotic birds were sold illegally on a daily basis. Animals were kept in filthy conditions in the glaring sun with no food or water, and many were sick or dying when sold.  These activities clearly violated City codes and other statutes as well.  BWF worked tediously on advocacy efforts to urge the city officials and councilmembers to enforce laws prohibiting illegal sales of animals; to better protect the health and welfare of animals and humans that are victimized by such sales; and, where necessary and appropriate, propose new legislation and ordinances in support of these efforts.

BWF successfully combatted illegal animal traffickers in Santee Alley by collaborating with the City Attorney’s Office, and by aiding in the arrest of notorious ring leaders behind this crime. BWF volunteers followed the traffickers, and provided LAPD with the evidence of their offenses. As a result, the bail amount increased from the mere $25 to $26,000, the infamous ring leader of illegal animal traffickers, Juan Mena, got arrested and the People vs Juan Mena and Norma Pluma trial began. In December 2013, the traffickers were found GUILTY by the Jury and were sentenced to jail. This marked the beginning of the end of the ongoing practice of animal abuse, cruelty and disregard for the animal protection laws in Santee Alley, LA Fashion District.  Our documentary "The Deadly Secret of Santee Alley" is under way with the collaborative effort of USC Cinema & TV School volunteer filmmakers. In 2011, our documentary was a finalist at MY HERO Int'l Film Festival in the Independent Features in Development Category.

Avitrol Saga: Our investigative division has worked on several projects including capturing the immense suffering of birds caused by the ingestion of Avitrol, increasing awareness of the danger and cruelty of the use of this chemical.

Ordinance Banning Pet Stores from Selling Rabbits: In 2013, BWF was instrumental in pushing the LA City Council to adopt an ordinance banning pet stores from selling rabbits from commercial breeders and limiting pet stores to selling animals obtained from shelters, humane societies and registered rescue groups. 

‘Bunnies for Puppies & Kitties’ Division: BWF formed “Bunnies for Puppies & Kitties” division that, through a collaborative effort with other solely cat/dog rescues, saved lives of over 500 dogs/cats from high-kill LA County & City shelters.

Investigations of Illegal Rabbit Breeding Operations: In 2014, BWF conducted several undercover investigations of illegal rabbit breeding operations in the City of LA that resulted in the discussion with the City Officials to bring about “(Shelter) Equity and Rabbit Equality”.   At the time many of the city ordinances, particularly those governing breeders, did not apply to the breeding or keeping of rabbits.  BWF presented various rabbit breeding cases before the LAAS Board of Commissioners and educated the public officials about much needed regulations and legislative changes in regards to keeping rabbits as pets.  In 2015 -2016 BWF continued to work with LAAS Board of Commissioners & PAWS to bring about more city ordinances related to protection of rabbits.

Advocacy Work: Shelter Equity and Rabbit Equality:  The uphill battle to amend the existing city ordinances that protect cats and dogs by adding/including the rabbits as beneficiaries to those laws is still very much alive.  However, a significant progress was made. BWF requested the amendment of the existing city ordinances that protect cats and dogs, by addition/inclusion of the rabbits as beneficiaries to those laws.

Outcomes/Positive Influence (Excerpts):

  • Nov 2014 – BWF campaigns for integrity, transparency and accountability. LAAS impounds 150 rabbits from Westchester following the harsh criticism of doing nothing in the “Califa” case.
  • Inclusion of rabbits in microchipping protocol at city shelters

  • April 2015 – Increase of rabbit adoption fees to cover microchipping.
  • August 2015 – Increase in the free spay/neuter certificate program voucher from $70 to $125 for dogs and rabbits.
  • August 2015 – Increase in the discount certificate from $30 to $50 for dogs and rabbits.

  • August 2015 *– Inclusion of rabbit sterilization in the “free city spay/neuter and discounted spay/neuter certificate programs.” (just like cats & dogs) -
  • *May 2016 – File 16-0114:  ; PAWC Committee Report:

Council Report:    

  • April 2016 – Inclusion of Rabbits in LAAS Microchipping protocol. In Feb 2016, BWF requested that LAAS implement the protocol. (02/20/2016 correspondence with Commissioner Zaft);

The most tangible evidence related to LAAS collaboration with the New Hope partners is the LAAS’ report “Outcome Totals for Rabbits by Fiscal Year” posted on the LAAS website.  Due to BWF’s participation New Hope placements increased; Intake Totals for rabbits decreased; and the euthanasia numbers decreased from 312 in 2013-2014 to 171 in 2014-2015 to 104 in 2015-2016 and 42 in 2016-2017. These numbers should continue to improve until LA is declared NO KILL Rabbit Zone.  Please visit the statistics.


Below are the official city records/excerpts of the BWF’s recent efforts to push for legislation and policies for rabbits to be treated equal to cats and dogs within Los Angeles Animal Services (“LAAS”) and the community. 

  • August 26, 2014:

  • July 14, 2015:
  • August 1, 2015: Letter to the LAAS Board of Commissioners
  • August 11, 2015:



LAAS Agenda, January 22, 2016 – Minutes related to January 12, 2016 Meeting.

Notes: Commissioner Zaft thanked BWF President for her work relocating shelter rabbits.

BWF President requested a rabbit meeting before Easter; questioned the status of free spay/neuter rabbit vouchers ordinance; reminded about agreement to amend the City Code; requested that BLUE alerts (medically alerted) be in effect also; said that BWF donated $500 worth air-conditioning unit to North Central (NC) Shelter for barn where bunnies were kept last summer; asked why bunnies got kicked out of the barn and are not being kept in-doors; mentioned remnants of illegal vendors in Santee Alley. Erica Goewey (BWF) reiterated that rabbits at NC are outside next to dog cages, some for two years or longer, exposed to cold and rain, feet being hurt on wires. “Let the bunnies back in!”



LAAS Agenda, July 12, 2016 – Minutes related to June 28, 2016 Meeting.

Notes: $18k was designated from the Animal Welfare Trust Fund to pay for improvements to the rabbit facilities at various shelters. BWF President suggested that rabbits be socialized in a play pen area at NC; requested that rabbits be added to euthanasia reports; female rabbits to be spayed by specialty vets; wanted more specific reports about bunnies after being place with rescue groups. BWF Team brought up how illegal street vendors avoid authorities by moving across the street (LA County!); Pet stores in LA County selling un-weaned,  underaged, and unaltered rabbits; that rabbit breeders must be regulated; that rabbits are companion animals that deserve the same protection as cats and dogs; BWF President pressed that the City of LA should initiate the conversation with the LA County in regards to pet stores (Municipal Code 53.73), and that they should align their ordinances related to pet stores and illegal animals sales.




LAAS Agenda, August 23, 2016 – Minutes related to August 9, 2016 Meeting

(08/26/2016 correspondence with LAAS GM Brenda Barnette)

Notes: BWF President brought up issues of 1) Increasing volume of LAAS rabbits pulled by BWF 2) medical issues related to WRONG food (pellets for lab rabbits!) fed to LAAS rabbits 3) Lack of SAFE spay/neuter low-cost vets where recently voted vouchers can be used 4) requested a report that will track bunnies including those who have been euthanized 5) requested more data for the rabbits; where they have been placed; desired list for spay/neuter vets for bunnies available for partners and new bunny owners 6) recounted botched spay/neuter surgeries performed on rabbits and suggested other animal hospitals willing to work LAAS for an increased reimbursement.