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Help Us!

Volunteers needed to transport, groom, play with, and foster bunnies.  Please contact BWF if you have time to spare for the bunnies!

Foster a Bunny!

Please sign up to be a foster and help us socialize our buns so they can get proper homes!  

Sponsor a Bunny! 

Donate directly to a specific bun on Petfinder! Just click on the bunny you want to sponsor and click the "Sponsor Me" button.

Support Through Advocacy

ANIMALS ARE DYING AT SANTEE ALLEY! Please help us combat animal cruelty in the Los Angeles Fashion District.


BWF at Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden

๐Ÿ˜ŠThis Friday, April 7, 2023 from 5pm to 8pm: L.A. bunny-lovers, here's your chance to meet some of our precious rescued bunnies under a giant shade tree at the GORGEOUS Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden during their 'Spring Fling' event -- with music in the air and grass under your feet!๐ŸŒณ
๐ŸŒธIf you've been there, then you know... and if you haven't, NOW'S THE TIME! For event info - visit:
*Registrations are required for this event, and tickets are going fast, so hop-to-it and head over to
๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ‡You never know -- you might fall in love and get the ball rolling toward future adoption. Adoption/Foster applications: email us at
๐Ÿ‘‰If you are a BWF pre-approved potential adopter and end up adopting rabbits that day -- your entry ticket fee will be reimbursed!
๐Ÿ’šWe hope to see you there!


Nina's Story...

๐Ÿ˜จS.O.S! We need a miracle! Direct donations to our primary Vet toward our $26,855.09 Vet balance are welcome (see comments). An installment of $5,000.00 is overdue. ๐Ÿ™Please help by calling Northwood Animal Hospital and donating on behalf of the Bunny World Foundation!

We currently have TWO bunnies hospitalized at the Vet:
โ€ผ๏ธNINA, the sweet angel in this post: She's fighting for her life, and we're fighting to keep providing her intensive care at Northwood (estimate $2,660.45, see comments).
--And ROCKY is ill and severely injured (newly hospitalized, estimate pending).

๐Ÿ’”Nina is 4 years old. Her human couldn't keep her anymore... BWF decided to take her on. We had no clue how ill she was. The Northwood staff has been tending to her 24/7. She's a fighter. ๐Ÿ™We desperately hope she lives... Please pray for her, send healing vibrations flowing into her little body, and please support this effort with any size donation of you can...

๐Ÿ“ŒDonation links:
--Venmo: search in charities with @bunnyworldfoundation
--PayPal: search in charities with our email -
And of course, Northwood Animal Hospital will always process call-in donations - but only of $100 or more.
Northwood Animal Hospital:
(949) 559-1992

๐Ÿ“ŒBWF is an all-volunteer, foster-based, high-volume rescue with no building for housing bunnies. We rely on the mercy of humans willing to give these desperate beings a break in life and keep them safe while we work hard on their medical needs and happy futures... finding each of them a (spayed/neutered) bunny of their own to love and be loved by, and screen-for & educate the best possible forever humans.

Thank you very kindly for loving bunnies. We hope this day finds one and all very safe & well. Please share... and help a bit if you can... it all adds up.

Much Love,


Rocky needs a foster!

๐Ÿ˜ฅEmergency Foster needed for medically alerted little boy: ROCKY is a 4Lb, adorable angel who was left as a "stray" at West L.A. Shelter suffering multiple wounds, punctures, and scabs over his fragile body... Shelter further noted Rocky's skin conditions as having two large areas of matted fur -- one on the right side near his rectum, and 2nd at his tail, all caked in fecal material. The shelter was not able to remove matted areas due to Rocky's sensitivity...

This is heartbreaking! This poor, tiny bun is in a very sad state of neglect and has been taking a beating from his outdoor environment. Rocky is a medical emergency who we need to pull right away from that city shelter and get to our Vet for thorough exams, fecal tests, treatments, and more...

If you can provide a quiet spot in your home for his sweet soul while we tend to all of his needs, please email us right now: with subject: "I WILL FOSTER LITTLE ROCKY!" (We are in Los Angeles).

If you cannot foster, but would like to provide support for Rocky's medical bills and our numerous other medically urgent bunnies, please visit: for Venmo & PayPal options.

We're standing by with hopes that someone will have mercy on little Rocky, as he is in dire need of saving!

Thank you, kindly. And please share Rocky to widen his foster search.
~BWF Volunteers


Will you help us help Clover?



โ€ผ๏ธWe're reaching out for a miracle during these last desperate hours. We must make a large, end-of-month installment payment on our total balance due at our main Vet - Northwood Animal Hospital where our balance now exceeds $26,000.00...
๐Ÿ’—Pictured here is Clover! If you recall, South L.A. Shelter contacted us regarding 2-year-old little CLOVER -- reporting that she was showing bloody urine. They 'Orange Alerted' little Clover -- meaning she would have been euthanized at the public shelter unless rescued right away...
--We pulled Clover from the shelter and hospitalized her at that time, and again for surgery... and now Clover is once again hospitalized due a major setback. -- And immediately responding to Clover's emergency, our Vet opened the clinic when they'd normally be closed on that Sunday afternoon...
--Clover's medical care is currently invoiced at $1,893.00 -- but now her new hospitalization will be invoiced once she exits the hospital once again. -- And in addition to Clover, we have four other bunnies still hospitalized and incurring medical boarding and treatments.
๐Ÿ™We desperately need help reaching the goal for the large installment payment to Northwood Animal Hospital in order to remain in good standing and make room for helping more sick and injured bunnies facing euthanasia at city shelters.
If you can and would like to support this colossal effort for Clover, our installment payment, and multiple medical bunnies -- Northwood Animal Hospital will process donations of $100 or more toward our balance due. If that is your preference, please call: 949-559-1992
๐Ÿ“ŒOtherwise, please visit: for donation via PayPal (search: or Venmo (search: @bunnyworldfoundation).
๐Ÿ–BWF is an ALL-VOLUNTEER, FOSTER-BASED, HIGH-VOLUME rescue organization. We save little lives every day, but cannot do it without support. We have no merchandise, no fundraising events, and no monetized channels or sites. We are relying on the mercy of the public to raise enough to cover the end-of-month installment to Northwood...
๐ŸคžIdeally, a miracle benefactor calls-in a large lump sum to Northwood that keeps us afloat for another month... but that is daydream. In the real world, we know that it's the cumulation of enough kind donations that amount to the miracle... โ˜บ๏ธ"Coffee Money", so to speak...
๐ŸซถIf you have read this far, we thank you so much for caring and for anything you can do to support our missions for these worthy little ones who we love beyond words.
๐Ÿ’žMuch Love,


Sweet Little Cadbury

Sweet little Cadbury was dumped at East Valley Shelter on Halloween Eve, 2022, and had been living the sad shelter life until January 14th -- when she was severely hurt at the shelter, and her sadness and pain quadrupled!

โš ๏ธEast Valley Shelter medical notes stated the following -- and it is a CAUTIONARY TALE regarding the risks of picking up bunnies and/or handling them improperly or unnecessarily:
"Patient was dropped on the floor while handling by a citizen from the public or a volunteer. Limping on right rear leg, pain on palpation. Right rear leg appears painful in the right knee. No crepitus was noted in the long bones but needs radiographs."

We rescued Cadbury from the shelter nightmare with the goal of making her life a dream come true. Now that she is healed and ready for adoption into a happy life, who will be the lucky human to give this sweet soul the love and feeling of safety she desperately needs?