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Help Us!

Volunteers needed to transport, groom, play with, and foster bunnies.  Please contact BWF if you have time to spare for the bunnies!

Foster a Bunny!

Please sign up to be a foster and help us socialize our buns so they can get proper homes!  

Sponsor a Bunny! 

Donate directly to a specific bun on Petfinder! Just click on the bunny you want to sponsor and click the "Sponsor Me" button.

Support Through Advocacy

ANIMALS ARE DYING AT SANTEE ALLEY! Please help us combat animal cruelty in the Los Angeles Fashion District.




▪️Our balance due at our main Vet is currently $33,565.10😬
▪️We had 20 rabbits at 3 different Veterinarians this week alone, which is not unusual of every week...
▪️We rescued 57 rabbits in April -- and the rescue count since April alone is at 80 bunnies so far...
▪️We organized several adoption/community events in Burbank, Arcadia, Pasadena, Torrance, and Silverlake.
▪️We were featured on several News Channels following the bunny mill raid which we partnered with LAAS to shut down and pull out 69 bunnies...


⚠️ABC News:

⚠️CBS News:


✊Our volunteers and fosters are tireless, but we need you! WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP?🙏

❤️‍🩹If you'd like to support the BWF rescue mission by helping us with the medical bills, please visit: for Venmo & PayPal options.
📌Our main Vet, Northwood Animal Hospital, will also process call-in donations limited to $100 or more. Their number is 949-559-1992. We're deeply grateful for any contribution of any shape or form.

🖐As always, FOSTERING is the best way to help if you're local. Email us at if this is the way you can contribute and assist our little protégés.
📌Please use subject line: "FOSTERING INQUIRY!" We are in Los Angeles and have housing equipment!

🙌Thank you, please share, please consider helping us stay afloat so we can continue rescuing bunnies who need us all the most...
~BWF Volunteers


BWF Featured on ABC 7 Eyewitness News: "Nearly 70 rabbits, many pregnant or nursing, rescued from backyard breeding operation in LA" ByLeo Stallworth



BWF Featured on FOX LA News: Rescue seeks homes for nearly 70 rabbits rescued from 'breeding operation'




A New Life For Daniel: Fundraiser 

We know it's hard to see a precious bunny like this, but please don't look away. We're very much hoping you'll help us with this dear boy who we're working hard to pull back from the brink...

Not only was Daniel forced to endure the trauma of a filthy bunny mill (see link below), but during his processing at North Central Shelter, he was caged with another hormonal male who attacked Daniel and inflicted terrible injuries, causing Daniel to then be euthanasia listed.

As soon as we got that news, we pulled Daniel and rushed him to Northwood Animal Hospital, and he's also been seen by Veterinary Eye Clinic Inc., and here are notes from both doctors:
--Severe inflammation in both eyes, including periocular areas, with erythema, oedema and purulent discharge. Left eye scabbing on dorsal palpebra. Also scabbing on dorsal right and dorsal left neck area, as well as on dorsal aspect of distal hind legs. Assessment - Conjunctivitis, possible corneal ulcer, excoriation/minor lacerations. Molar points. Clipped and cleaned around both eyes and areas of the body where there was scabbing.

--Corneal stromal abscess on the right eye. There is also a small punctate size corneal lesion on the left eye. There are eyelids defect on all four lids with necrotic changes. I am not certain of the cause. I would recommend an examination by a dermatologist.

📌Daniel was one of 69 bunnies we rescued with LAAS during a raid on a now-dismantled backyard bunny mill seen here:

--So far, we've taken in 50 of the 69 survivors; most of whom are nursing mothers with their infants, and many of whom are sick and/or injured....

🙏Obviously, the medical bills for Daniel and the others are daunting. It would be miraculous if someone would like to sponsor our Bunny Mill Rescue Mission... But donations of any size are sincerely wonderful. "Coffee Money" from enough folks can add up to make a big difference:

📌Donation links:
--Venmo: search in charities with @bunnyworldfoundation
--PayPal: search in charities with our email -
And, of course, Northwood Animal Hospital will always process call-in donations - but only $100 or more.
Northwood Animal Hospital: (949) 559-1992

✊Here's the GREAT NEWS! One of our most amazing foster parents, MJ, has once again stepped up and is going to care for little Daniel during his rehabilitation ordeal, which involves the following protocol:

--Meloxicam (1.5mg/ml): Give 0.55cc every 12 hours for 7 days, then decrease to 0.42cc once daily.
--Enrofloxacin (100 mg/ml): Give 0.15cc by every 12 hours for 14 days.
--Ofloxacin (0.3% drops): Apply 2 drops to both eyes 4 times daily (approx. every 6 hours) for 2 weeks.
--Serum Drops: Apply 1 drop to the right eye 4 times daily (approx. every 6 hours).
--OptixCare Eye Lube: Apply 1 droplet to each eye 4 times daily (approx. every 6 hours).
🖐Daniel will be re-checked a number of times at Northwood, and we have every belief that he will emerge from this rough patch a whole new bunny ready to face his happy new life that we're planning for him!

‼️MJ is only able to foster Daniel until June, so we need to secure Daniel's continued TLC. If you would like to provide Daniel the loving care he desperately needs during his rehabilitation, please email us at: with subject: "I WILL LOVE DANIEL IN MY HOME" (We are in Los Angeles).

💗If you've read this far, we thank you so much for your kind attention and for caring about this sweet soul. Please consider helping us with him. BWF is an all-volunteer, 100% foster-based organization doing high-volume rescuing. But we can't do it without public support.
Much Love, THANK YOU...
🙏And please do share Daniel.


DESPERATE PLEA FOR FOSTERS: Bunny World Foundation and LAAS join forces to rescue 69 victims of a horrid backyard bunny mill


Contact: Lejla Hadzimuratovic, Founder, Bunny World Foundation, (310) 498-8600,

Bunny World Foundation Plea to Los Angeles Community to help foster 69 rabbits confiscated by Los Angeles Animal Services (LAAS) from a backyard breeding operation.

Rescue Video:


LOS ANGELES, CA (April 25, 2023) - Bunny World Foundation (BWF), an all-volunteer foster-based animal rescue that finds homes for hundreds of abandoned domestic rabbits each year, is struggling to singlehandedly assist LAAS with 69 rabbits impounded from a backyard breeding operation in the heart of the city of Los Angeles. 

On April 14, 2023, LAAS Animal Control was contacted by the neighbor whose cat was killed by the Rottweiler on the property three blocks from one of the LAAS shelters. The LAAS Officer X rushed to the scene and witnessed an impressive backyard breeding operation, mainly of rabbits and chickens.   LAAS impounded 17 rabbits right away. A few days later, two female rabbits delivered eight babies while in quarantine at the LAAS shelter.   Since the impound, LAAS Animal Care Technical (ACT) Supervisor has communicated with BWF, seeking help with orphans, nursing mothers & babies, injured rabbits, and spaying veterinary resources.

On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, LAAS Officer X called BWF to assist during the second impound of 37 rabbits. BWF team rushed to the scene with another LAAS Officer Y to help assess the situation, sex the rabbits, and help with English-Spanish interpreting. 

On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, the family contacted BWF about seven additional infants left at the property. Upon notifying LAAS ACT Supervisor, the babies were efficiently picked up by LAAS Officer X on the same day, amounting to 69 confiscated rabbits in total.

"It was an unfortunate situation seeing numbers of petrified bunnies crammed in filthy makeshift cages with many nesting boxes who will need a lot of TLC before they can trust humans again. Once we arrived at the scene, we worked diligently to sex all the rabbits and identify nursing mothers, potentially pregnant adult rabbits, and juveniles. The bunnies we encountered were mostly pregnant and nursing females I can only imagine how many rabbits suffered in these horrific and squalid conditions, how many were slaughtered for food, and how many ended up in the wrong hands."

~ Jane Stonnington, Retired US Army Master Sergeant & Adoption Manager, Bunny World Foundation

"This was not your typical situation where things got out of hand out of ignorance of not knowing the rabbit's gestation period, which is 28 days. This was a deliberate backyard breeding operation that had been fully functioning for three years, three blocks away from the LAAS Shelter. I am happy we were able to assist LAAS in cleaning up this disastrous and cruel breeding operation." 

~Lejla Hadzimuratovic, President & Founder, Bunny World Foundation

Since becoming an LAAS New Hope Partner in 2009, BWF has witnessed and assisted with several large backyard breeding operations in the City of LA. The most "memorable" ones were an inhumane 130-rabbit breeding operation in Sherman Oaks in 2014 and Mar Vista's horrendous 500+ rabbit hoarding/breeding operation in 2019 and 2022 by the same offender. In 2022, BWF assisted LAAS by finding homes for approximately 300 rabbits confiscated from the Mar Vista operation.

"This is not our first rodeo. BWF assisted LASS with multiple breeding/hoarding incidents in the past, but thanks to dedicated LAAS Officer X, this was the first time that we were officially invited to the scene as a New Hope Partner to collaborate on mitigating the circumstances so that the City of LA doesn't end up with another Mar Vista-like situation. What we accomplished in just TWO hours that day with an extraordinary LAAS Officer Y, with the help of multi-tasking and diligent LAAS ACT Supervisor was nothing short of a miracle. The family who was cited willingly surrendered all the rabbits and promised to demolish ALL the makeshift hutches located in their backyard.

Still, this impound comes during a particularly challenging time, as local shelters and parks are overrun with bunnies who have no place to go after the spring breeding and post-Easter dumping season. We're desperately looking for foster homes for these rabbits and many more!

~Lejla Hadzimuratovic, Founder & President of Bunny World Foundation

Bunny World Foundation is struggling to find foster homes for all confiscated rabbits from this breeding operation; LAAS does not have space to house so many animals and provide safe spay/neuter services promptly. Due to overcrowding, many, especially male rabbits, are getting injured from in-cage fighting. Each hormonal male requires one dedicated space for himself before neuter surgery and 30 days post-surgery. The hormones in males rage for a month after, during which time they can STILL impregnate a female rabbit. Neutered males are neither adoptable nor bondable for at least a month post-surgery. They need safe foster homes to help with their journey.

If you are able to FOSTER or ADOPT, please email BWF with the subject "I WILL FOSTER A LAAS BUNNY" at

🙏We know times are tough, but will you help us with these babies' medical bills? "Coffee Money" is more than welcome; it all adds up. 

📌Donation links:
--Venmo: search in charities with @bunnyworldfoundation
--PayPal: search in charities with our email -
And, of course, Northwood Animal Hospital will always process call-in donations - but only $100 or more.
Northwood Animal Hospital: (949) 559-1992
💔In the meantme, we're doing our best to deal with so many emergencies in the background...
Thank  you!


About Bunny World Foundation

Bunny World Foundation (BWF) is an ALL-Volunteer, non-profit 501(c)3 animal welfare organization founded in 2008 in Los Angeles, California. Set up to promote (Shelter) Equity and Equality for Rabbits, BWF's mission is to combat animal cruelty, illegal animal sales, exploitation, and neglect of all animals, through rescue efforts, public education, investigations, legislation, events, and media attention. In addition, BWF works to reduce rabbit overpopulation and establish rabbits as companion animals that deserve the same individual rights, level of care, and opportunity for longevity as cats and dogs that live as human companions. BWF manages a complex Foster & Adoption Program that requires constant strengthening and expansion to accommodate new rescues and provide for their intensive care, medication, supplies, and spay/neuter funds. BWF has 250 volunteers/fosters and rescues approximately 1,000-1500 abandoned and abused domestic rabbits a year. BWF rescued over 15,000 rabbits in the City of Los Angeles to date, ranging from un-weaned baby bunnies from Santee Alley to adult bunnies from the over-inundated city shelters.
More information about BWF can be found on our website and our Facebook page. The foundation welcomes any and all donations from the public. All proceeds go toward spay and neuter surgeries, vet bills, food, and other supplies needed to sustain the animals until they can find their forever homes at one of our weekly adoption events.

For more information about Bunny World Foundation, visit


FOUR Main Reasons WHY so many rabbits end up in shelters and on death row:

PEOPLE WHO BUY BUNNIES: When you buy a bunny, no matter where you buy that bunny from, you are supporting the breeders and the bunny mill owners. Please, never buy, always adopt; we promise you that whatever bunny you want, there is one waiting for you in a shelter or rescue today. If you have never adopted a bunny, then you have missed out on the most fantastic feeling; it's that feeling of saving a life. Ask anyone who has done it, and they will tell you the same. That bunny will repay you with a lifetime of love and affection.

BREEDERS & BUNNY MILLS: Despite the massive overpopulation of rabbits in the US and worldwide, the breeders and the bunny mills churn out bunnies 24 hours a day to make a buck -- or, in many cases, a LOT of bucks. The way to shut down the breeders and the bunny mills is simple—Adopt from your local shelter or rescue instead of buying from a pet store or breeder. BWF alone has every size, age, color, breed, and personality of bunny you can ever imagine. "RESPONSIBLE BREEDER" IS AN OXYMORON. What the world needs now is a MORATORIUM for breeders! PERIOD!

PEOPLE WHO SURRENDER BUNNIES:  If you have kids, you make plans for them in case something happens to you. If you have companion animals, you must do the same thing; otherwise, they end up at the shelter with a kill date. If you cannot afford to keep a companion animal, then do not get one in the first place. Being a caregiver to a helpless animal is a lifetime commitment, not a disposable fashion accessory.

PEOPLE WHO FAIL TO SPAY/NEUTER BUNNIES: Failing to Spay/Neuter rabbits factors HUGELY into the overpopulation problem.  Rabbits left unfixed will breed! Get your bunnies fixed because if you do not, you are on the path to leaving bunnies at the shelter with a kill date. Please don't breed or buy while shelter pets die.

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