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Help Us!

Volunteers needed to transport, groom, play with, and foster bunnies.  Please contact BWF if you have time to spare for the bunnies!

Foster a Bunny!

Please sign up to be a foster and help us socialize our buns so they can get proper homes!  

Sponsor a Bunny! 

Donate directly to a specific bun on Petfinder! Just click on the bunny you want to sponsor and click the "Sponsor Me" button.

Support Through Advocacy

ANIMALS ARE DYING AT SANTEE ALLEY! Please help us combat animal cruelty in the Los Angeles Fashion District.


Crucial Fundraiser & Astounding Update! 

Crucial Fundraiser & Astounding Update! Bonita's ongoing case has evolved so much in the past two months, but we're neck-deep in vet bills. Please help~~ And read on to be AWESTRUCK by this little bunny and behold the power of love...

--We rescued Bonita FEB 6; the day she was left behind at a public shelter in a shocking state: emaciated and neglected so extremely that she was set to be immediately euthanized there. In spite of doubts that she'd even survive transport to the hospital, we looked her in the eye and saw the spark, so we put our faith in that spark and ran with it. This fragile little bunny, even with her body so wasted away and under siege by morbid infection, WAS NOT READY TO DIE!

While suffering starvation, overgrown nails, molar points, and severe malocclusion, Bonita was enduring something awful hiding under matted, sticky fur: A horribly festering abscess with a bleeding opening. The terrible abscess encompassed her right eye and cheek and bore a hole into her cheekbone...

--Bonita underwent eye enucleation, abscess-removal surgery, and 7 molar extractions. Miraculously, she responded very well post-op and didn't require syringe-feeding, as she began eating recovery-food mix on her own! THERE'S THAT SPARK!

Over the last two months, Bonita's staggering medical history of doctor's notes and vet bills has reached legendary status. A few, not all, of her bills are in the comments. Her case is ongoing so she's yet to be fully invoiced by our main vet, but you'll get the idea. Yes, the abscess is stubborn, and we've had to adjust our strategies to win the battles... But we are winning...

Bonita is a fighter and a messenger. It's vital that this be understood: In spite of her challenges, Bonita's been enjoying her life to the fullest! She's an affectionate, confident, happy little being and a force to be reckoned with. We utterly revere her, we're inspired by her, and respect her life as uniquely and powerfully meaningful. We're honored to help her and humbled by her inner strength that kept her heart beating when her body should have given out. Bonita the Conqueror!

Bonita's beautiful quality of life is thanks to Liza, our vigilant foster mom, who's devoted to Bonita's happiness. The details of Liza's excellent special-needs care of Bonita can literally fill a book. Liza & Bonita's intense journey together thrives on mutual trust that allows Bonita to receive care without any stress...

--We knew going into this mission to save Bonita that she was a long-term medical project. But we had faith that support would come somehow. Please find it in your heart to be part of Bonita's support system. We survive on donations alone and put every single dollar toward the vet bills.

We're on Venmo - search: "@bunnyworldfoundation"

On your PayPal - search:

If you'd like to give directly to Northwood Animal Hospital toward our medical bills, please call them at: 949-559-1992 to process the transaction by phone, but they do limit the amount to $100 or more.

This is a big ask -- but as they say, the answer is always no unless you ask... Is there someone out there who can sponsor Bonita for the remaining bulk of her vet balance not covered by donations? It's tax-deductible! If you are that person, or you know of that person or entity, please email us and we'll provide whatever is necessary toward that goal: with subject line "SPONSORING BONITA" Well, hey, Bonita never gave up dreaming, and neither will we! (Bonita's vet bills exceed $6,000.00).

Please share and perhaps chip in a bit if you can. 'Coffee Money' is always appreciated! It all adds up! Thank you for helping in any way you are able. AND STAY TUNED: Once we feel Bonita is strong enough, she'll be spayed -- and you know what that means! Yep, we have husbun candidates waiting to fall in love with Bonita! OMB!

Thank you so very much.



Granada Hills, CA home: Site of domestic rabbit breeding-ground nightmare!


Contact: Lejla Hadzimuratovic, Founder, Bunny World Foundation, (310) 498-8600,



Bunny World Foundation issues a plea to the Los Angeles community to help foster up to 100 rabbits confiscated by BWF and Los Angeles Animal Services from a backyard hoarding disaster in Granada Hills.

LOS ANGELES (Feb. 28, 2024) - Bunny World Foundation, an all-volunteer foster-based animal rescue that finds homes for hundreds of abandoned domestic rabbits each year, is struggling to single-handedly assist LAAS with up to 100 rabbits being impounded from a backyard hoarding situation near the West Valley Animal Shelter in Chatsworth.

On Feb. 20, 2024, the LAAS Animal Care Technician supervisor contacted BWF seeking assistance rescuing a large number of rabbits found on a private property in Granada Hills. On Feb. 24, the BWF team rushed to the scene and witnessed a massive backyard rabbit hoarding disaster with babies, nursing mothers, juveniles, and adult rabbits running across several yards, exposed to the elements and unprotected from predators. BWF trapped and sexed 50 rabbits that day and took them to the West Valley Animal Shelter. Most, if not ALL, females were pregnant. Among other ailments, many were severely matted due to long-haired breeds, which is extremely painful to rabbits. After the shelter staff processed the rabbits, BWF scooped up all the babies and placed them into temporary foster care. The adults have been spread out between the six city shelters as animal control continues to visit the property and confiscate more rabbits. How many females might give birth before spay appointments are unpredictable, but those pregnancies threaten to increase the number of rabbits exponentially to upwards of 300+.

BWF has communicated closely with the LAAS ACT, seeking solutions for injured rabbits and spaying veterinary resources.

"What a nightmare! I am extremely distraught having to witness yet another horrible backyard catastrophe,'' BWF Founder and President Lejla Hadzimuratovic said. "This was your typical situation where things got out of hand due to ignorance of rabbits' gestation period, which is 28 days. When will people learn that it only takes TWO UNFIXED rabbits to create a tragedy of mass proportions and impose a hefty financial burden on Los Angeles rescue organizations operating on zero budget? It's heartbreaking to see many painfully neglected and severely matted rabbits living in filth, exposed to hawks, owls, coyotes, raccoons, other wildlife, and harsh elements. These poor souls will need so much TLC before they can trust humans. Before any hopes of adoption, each will need medical care, spaying/neutering, vaccination, deworming, and professional grooming. To give you an idea, experienced exotic vets charge anywhere between $400 and $1,200 to spay ONE rabbit!"

On Feb. 27, 2024, BWF was contacted again by the LAAS ACT to assist with sexing the additional 30 rabbits impounded from the hoarding location, this time by animal control officers. BWF has not determined the number of additional rabbits left at the property expected to come to LAAS custody. The process may take weeks to resolve due to the mature system of underground burrows dug by the rabbits, with multiple litters quickly hiding underneath the house. This impound comes during a particularly challenging time, as local shelters and parks will soon be overrun with bunnies who will have nowhere to go after the spring breeding and post-Easter dumping season.

"Once we arrived at the scene, we worked diligently to trap and sex as many rabbits as possible. The bunnies we encountered were mainly adults, with many pregnant and potentially nursing females,'' said BWF Adoption Manager Jane Stonnington, a retired U.S. Army Master Sergeant. "I can only imagine how many rabbits suffered in these horrific conditions and how many ended up dismembered by the predators. Domestic rabbits have NO business living outside. I am glad the homeowner contacted Bunny World Foundation and West Valley Animal Control. Unfortunately, the homeowner did not initially capture the first male and female when they were originally dumped on his property and have them spayed and neutered. The homeowner soon found out rabbits breed every 28 days, and litters get larger with every pregnancy.''

This is not our first time in the trenches. Since becoming an LAAS New Hope Partner in 2008, BWF has assisted with resolving several Los Angeles backyard breeding and hoarding situations. Among the most memorable were an inhumane 130-rabbit breeding operation in Sherman Oaks in 2014 and Mar Vista's horrendous 500+ hoarding/breeding operation in 2019 and 2022 by the same offender.
In 2022, BWF assisted LAAS by finding homes for hundreds of rabbits confiscated from the Mar Vista hoarding situation.
In April/May of 2023, BWF collaborated with LAAS during another mass confiscation of 70 rabbits from a backyard breeding operation close to North Central Animal Shelter, just a few minutes from downtown L.A.
With 300 rabbits in our ever-increasing foster system, BWF is still trying to find foster homes for all confiscated rabbits from this latest hoarding situation. LAAS does not have space to house many rabbits and to promptly provide safe spaying and neutering services. Due to overcrowding, many rabbits (especially males) who are put together may get injured from in-cage fighting. Each hormonal male requires one dedicated space for himself before neuter surgery and 30 days post-surgery. The hormones in males rage for a month after, during which time they can STILL impregnate female rabbits. Neutered males are neither adoptable nor bondable for at least a month post-surgery. They need safe foster homes to help with their journey.

"I am happy we could assist LAAS in cleaning up this disastrous hoarding situation. This was a great example of how quickly unspayed/unneutered rabbits can become overwhelming even with the best intentions and how important proper education and care is for domesticated bunnies."~Kiyo Beverly, BWF Adoption Events Host, Foster, and Volunteer

Those willing to foster or adopt rabbits are asked to email, with ``I will foster an LAAS bunny'' in the subject line.

Lejla, Kiyo, and Jane (BWF Volunteer/Rescue Team)

About Bunny World Foundation

Bunny World Foundation (BWF) is an ALL-Volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)3 animal welfare organization founded in 2008 in Los Angeles, California. Set up to promote (Shelter) Equity and Equality for Rabbits, BWF's mission is to combat animal cruelty, illegal animal sales, exploitation, and neglect of all animals through rescue efforts, public education, investigations, legislation, events, and media attention. In addition, BWF works to reduce rabbit overpopulation and establish rabbits as companion animals that deserve the same individual rights, level of care, and opportunity for longevity as cats and dogs that live as human companions. BWF manages a complex Foster & Adoption Program that requires constant strengthening and expansion to accommodate new rescues and provide intensive care, medication, supplies, and Spay/Neuter funds. BWF has 250 volunteers/fosters and rescues approximately 1,000-1500 abandoned and abused domestic rabbits annually. BWF has rescued over 16,000 rabbits in Los Angeles, ranging from un-weaned baby bunnies from Santee Alley to adult bunnies from the over-inundated city shelters.
More information about BWF can be found on our website and our Facebook page. The foundation welcomes all donations from the public. All proceeds go toward spay and neuter surgeries, vet bills, food, and other supplies needed to sustain the animals until they can find their forever homes at one of our weekly adoption events.

For more information about Bunny World Foundation, visit


FOUR Main Reasons WHY so many rabbits end up in shelters and on Death Row:

PEOPLE WHO BUY BUNNIES: When you buy a bunny, no matter where you buy that bunny from, you are supporting the breeders and the bunny mill owners. Please, never buy, always adopt; we promise you that whatever bunny you want, there is one waiting for you in a shelter or rescue today. If you have never adopted a bunny, then you have missed out on the most fantastic feeling it's that feeling of saving a life. Ask anyone who has done it, and they will tell you the same. That bunny will repay you with a lifetime of love and affection.

BREEDERS & BUNNY MILLS: Despite the massive overpopulation of rabbits in the U.S. and worldwide, the breeders and the bunny mills churn out bunnies 24 hours a day to make a buck -- or, in many cases, a LOT of bucks. The way to shut down the breeders and the bunny mills is simple—Adopt from your local shelter or rescue instead of buying from a pet store or breeder. BWF alone has every size, age, color, breed, and personality of bunny you can ever imagine. "RESPONSIBLE BREEDER" IS AN OXYMORON. What the world needs now is a MORATORIUM for breeders! PERIOD!

PEOPLE WHO SURRENDER BUNNIES:  If you have kids, you make plans for them in case something happens to you. If you have companion animals, you must do the same thing; otherwise, they end up at the shelter with a kill date. If you cannot afford to keep a companion animal, then do not get one in the first place. Being a caregiver to a helpless animal is a lifetime commitment, not a disposable fashion accessory.

PEOPLE WHO FAIL TO SPAY/NEUTER BUNNIES: Failing to Spay/Neuter rabbits factors HUGELY into the overpopulation problem. Rabbits left unfixed will breed! Get your bunnies fixed because if you do not, you are on the path to leaving bunnies at the shelter with a kill date. Please don't breed or buy while shelter pets die.


Much love and gratitude during 'GIVING TUESDAY!'

πŸ‘‹Happy 'GIVING TUESDAY', folks! If perhaps you choose to include Bunny World Foundation in your support of hard working Non-Profits today, we sure do wholeheartedly thank you!
The handy "Donate" button makes it easy, but you can always visit: - or search us on Venmo with @bunnyworldfoundation
--We're far from done with 2023, but it's been another grueling year of working around-the-clock for the endless waves of dear little bunnies we've scooped from suffering, abandonment, public-shelter euthanasia, bunny mills, rabbit hoarders, illegal animal sales, exploitation, and many other cruel predicaments -- logging over 1,200 successful rescue missions so far this year.
--We've been vigorously rescuing bunnies since 2008. But yes, we have a woefully outdated website. Yes, we have a dormant YouTube channel. No, we don't have TikTok. No, we don't have branded merch... And yes, we are poor at fundraising and are forever struggling to make monthly installment payments to our main vet with whom our current balance due is $20,000.00. We don't even have time to share our own achievements...
--We've never posted about it, but as 2023 races to its end, we'd like to instill confidence in our kind supporters by assuring you that our consistent commitment to hard work earned us the achievement of being listed as a 2023 best top-rated charity on

πŸ’—THANK YOU to our amazing friends here who chip in and keep our heads above water! Thank you for loving our rescued bunnies from afar! Thank you for caring about all bunnies! Thank you for getting involved on any level, even if that's a mere click of the mouse or a keystroke that helps our posts.
We're always too busy to keep up with posting every emergency that we tackle behind the scenes, and all the happy progress reports we'd love to share... But we do our best to make sure you see examples of each, and assure you that -- along with all the heartbreak, there are so many beautiful things unfolding for the bunnies we rescue, and that we'd be nowhere without you! It takes a village!
πŸ™ŒWe can't thank you enough. And please hang in there with us as we persevere.
Much love and gratitude,
(Bunny: Oreo)



Bunnies & Bubbles Holiday Fundraiser Bash!


⛄️Come celebrate with us at our 'BUNNIES & BUBBLES' HOLIDAY FUNDRAISER BASH!πŸ‡ Yep, it's back by popular demand!~~

🐰ALL entry ticket donations go toward paying our massive $20K vet balance! In return, you'll enjoy an amazing vegan buffet, fine wine, great music, merriment, bubbly🍾πŸ₯‚ (of course), and much more!..

πŸ“ŒWHEN: Sunday, Dec. 10, 2023 from 5-9pm.
πŸ“ŒWHERE: Los Angeles address provided upon RSVP
πŸ””RSVP By DECEMBER 4th by emailing us a screenshot of your 'Bunnies & Bubbles' ticket amount donation: with subject "BUNNIES & BUBBLES RSVP!"

'Bunnies & Bubbles' tax-deductible tickets:
πŸŽ„Members of BWF's 'The Warren' ($35 donation)
πŸŽ„Non-Members ($50 donation)

🎁Relax while sipping bubbly and browsing 'Bunnies & Bubbles' HOLIDAY BAZAAR & Silent Auction! πŸ’‹Highlighted are luscious Vegan Lip Balms from @colorsremix by @valida
(50% of all sales go toward our vet bills)

πŸ‘›We're excited to feature brand new, in-box, 'p+g designs' silicone mini pouch-purses & wallets kindly donated to us! These adorable snap-wallets & animal-shaped collectors' item pouches come in a wide variety, so 'adopt' a bunny, kitty, koala, or teddy bear before they're all gone!

🍰A beautiful vegan artisan cake is among the many fantastic silent-auction items! The winner will have a fresh, custom cake made for him or her!

🎢Music by guest DJ - KCRW on-air host @valida
🌱All food and beverages are Vegan.
🐰Bring your favorite 'bunny slippers' or winter booties,
as this party is shoeless!
πŸ‘£ Heck, wear your winter PJs if you like!

πŸ’—If you're joining the fun, please kindly process your ticket donation amount via BWF PayPal or BWF Venmo:
--Visit: for PayPal
--On Venmo, search us in charities with: "@bunnyworldfoundation "

πŸ“ŒIf using your own PayPal, search us with our email:

πŸ””Should you prefer, you can donate directly to @Northwood Animal Hospital toward BWF balance due. (They limit call-in donations to $100 or more). ☎️949-559-1992

🌹If you can't attend, but wish to send our 100s of foster bunnies a holiday nose rub, perhaps donate any amount at all toward this vital end-of-year effort!

☺️Thank you so much! We can't wait to celebrate holiday joy and big-time bunny love with you! Please share...
Much Love!

(bunny: BWF Spokesbun - Lolita Rose)


Proudly Announcing BWF Achievement!

Bunny World Foundation is extremely proud of our over 15 years of non-stop hard work and dedication put forth by our devoted volunteers, so deeply committed and driven by loyalty and respect for the downtrodden earth angels known as domestic rabbits.

Thank you so much to those who love and respect bunnies as much as we do, and for realizing that the struggles of this extremely active, all-volunteer rabbit rescue are both immeasurably rewarding, but also endlessly heartbreaking. Be gentle with volunteers.

In order for BWF to be as effective as it is for the poor bunny souls in need, Many sacrificing are necessary in the lives of BWF core members. We are forever putting forth maximum effort for the dear rabbits, and we cherish the good humans who join our efforts through fostering and making it possible for us to pull the bunnies from misery and change their lives in the most wonderful ways.

We are doing our very best in impossible circumstances, and are eternally grateful to those who support our missions of mercy from near & far and never kick us when we're down. If you'd like to join forces with BWF and assist in making miracles happen for the suffering bunnies awaiting our help, please email with subject: "I WILL HELP SAVE BUNNY LIVES!" It takes a village, and the impact of helping to save little lives cannot be put into words. 

Thank you so kindly, and, as we always say... "Never Underestimate The Power Of A Bunny"

~BWF Volunteers