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Help Us!

Volunteers needed to transport, groom, play with, and foster bunnies.  Please contact BWF if you have time to spare for the bunnies!

Foster a Bunny!

Please sign up to be a foster and help us socialize our buns so they can get proper homes!  

Sponsor a Bunny! 

Donate directly to a specific bun on Petfinder! Just click on the bunny you want to sponsor and click the "Sponsor Me" button.

Support Through Advocacy

ANIMALS ARE DYING AT SANTEE ALLEY! Please help us combat animal cruelty in the Los Angeles Fashion District.



We at BWF have almost 300 bunnies spread out from San Diego to Santa Barbara in our trusted foster homes. If you’d like to meet them, please email us at, and we’ll send you the application to fill out. Once you’re approved, you’ll be invited to our Adoption Event, where we bring over 100 bunnies for you to choose from. The events are currently taking place in Altadena, Hancock Park, Torrance, and Los Feliz. HOWEVER, PLEASE NOTE:

πŸ“ŒπŸ°πŸ“ŒBWF bunnies would have to be strictly indoors only. Outside adds many risks, with virtually no benefits that can't be safely recreated indoors. Please look at this gorgeous setup at one of our foster homes. These babies are in heaven. 😊

🌻If you’re still confused, please CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING:
πŸ‘‰ The first risk is Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease, a deadly virus that bunnies typically catch from wild bunnies. When domestic bunnies are taken outdoors, they become at risk for this severe disease.
πŸ‘‰ The second risk is parasites, both external and internal. Think fleas, ticks, mites, mosquito bites, ants, etc.
πŸ‘‰ When outside, bunnies can also come in contact with yard chemicals, weed killers, and poisonous plants. Different types of yard grass have various dangers. Mold builds up on outdoor grass and can cause serious illness in bunnies.
πŸ‘‰ Hawks, coyotes, raccoons, and other outdoor predators can quickly kill bunnies in the blink of an eye. But even worse, some bunnies are so scared when they see them that they die of a heart attack!
πŸ‘‰ Bunnies also have very poor temperature regulation systems and are at risk for heatstroke at as low as 80 degrees. They can't tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations, like taking a bunny from high outdoor heat into a cooled indoor space, which can send them into shock.

πŸ˜”πŸŒΏThese are just a few. Hopefully, this all makes sense as to why we do not allow the bunnies under our care outside. Please reach out if you have any questions!

πŸ™πŸ˜ŒThank you very much for your interest in adopting the Bunny World Foundation bunnies to help us rescue MORE buns perishing in the city shelters! ❀


πŸ’£Bunnies & Fireworks are NOT Compatible!

😨πŸ’₯Random pyrotechnic explosions can be heard in LA as we approach the dreaded evening of July 4, when ALL HELL BREAKS loose.
πŸ™Please boycott the violence & don't set off fireworks! The bombs & blasts of sound & light cause immeasurable harm & death to countless domestic & wild animals.πŸ’£Fireworks are animal cruelty on a MASSIVE scale. They cannot be justified.
πŸ–Urban wildlife in LA is abundant, and birds (including geese & ducks), deer, squirrels, coyotes, rodents, aquatic life, opossums, raccoons & wild cottontails suffer cruelly due to fireworks. Mothers bolt/fly off in terror, abandoning babies & nests. Fireworks pollute the waters, poison fish & birds, and ignite devastating fires. BIRDS EVEN FALL DEAD RIGHT OUT OF THE SKY DUE TO FIREWORKS!
πŸ‘‰Keep your buns ALWAYS INDOORS WITH YOU! Keep all doors & windows closed. Even if your bunnies have never panicked before, there is always a first time. 😰Your bunnies may panic out of terror from the explosions, frequently escaping fencing and fatally injuring themselves in the process.
πŸ–β€ΌοΈVision-impaired/blind bunnies should NEVER be left alone during fireworks.
⚠️Bunnies' hearing is exponentially greater than humans'! The deafening bombs can cause them to panic, thump, or dart suddenly, causing injuries. The stress can lead to the deadly G.I. Stasis.
πŸ‘‰"Treat-testing" saves bunnies' lives! Offer your buns a tiny bit of their favorite fruit treat to ensure their well-being during the fireworks ordeal. If they refuse it, RUN to the vet!
πŸ‘‰Microchip your bunnies & confirm that microchips are registered accurately.
πŸ‘‰Play music at a sensible level to cushion sudden explosive noises. The TV or stereo left on will help distract them from the outside noise.
πŸ‘‰Provide your bunnies with extra hide-y boxes/tunnels. Place food/water in those hiding places to help them avoid G.I. Stasis.
πŸ‘‰Offer bunnies new chew toys/enrichment/healthy treats to keep them entertained. Pile their litter box high with fresh hay and serve a BIG salad.
πŸ‘‰Keep bunnies cool with fans/AC/gallon-sized frozen water bottles.
πŸ₯Ή For true comfort, please give them extra doses of TLC, even if they seem fine.
Thank you for caring!


Help us save paralyzed "Baby!"

πŸ’”πŸ˜”"Baby" (3.6lbs) is SCHEDULED TO BE KILLED tomorrow, Saturday, April 27, at East Valley Shelter at 4:00 pm UNLESS a miracle happens between now and then! BWF cannot help UNLESS a foster (experienced in special needs rabbits) comes forward and unless we make a MAJOR dent in our $21,000 vet bill. (see comments) If you cannot help with either, please share this post in the hope that someone can help! As always, it takes a village, and we would love to lead the way.
πŸ₯€In the meantime, please take a moment to meet this dear boy who was brought to the East Valley Shelter on April 10, 2024, as "injured" and left there to die. Some of the medical notes include:
πŸ“4/10 – dragging both back legs when placed on a towel; can move across the towel with his front legs; deep pain noted on both back feet, more on the left hind foot than on the right hind foot; given Buprenorphine & Metacam for pain.
πŸ“4/15 – easily felt spine & some of the pelvic bones; when picked up from the weighing scale, palpated large bladder & expressed it; feces and urine squished onto the anogenital area.
πŸ“4/18 – expressed bladder; a large amount. of milky urine present.
πŸ“4/19 – 4/22 - passing feces & urine; however, bladder remains very large.
🌺We've rescued numerous medical buns this month without fundraising. Now, with Baby potentially coming into our care, we're drowning in the surge of new vet bills that threaten to prevent further medical rescuing unless our balance due is reduced (see comments). So, we appeal to you for the most impactful support possible, and we thank you in advance for any help you can offer.
πŸ•ŠPlease find it in your heart to help us rescue Baby. Our situation is so desperate right now, and the reason tells us to let go, but we cannot let this sweet soul die without at least trying. Will you please use the "Donate" button or visit
πŸ“ŒWe're on Venmo - search with "@bunnyworldfoundation"
πŸ“ŒIf on your personal PayPal account - search with our email:
πŸ“ŒIf your budget allows and you'd like to make a direct donation to Northwood Animal Hospital toward our vet bills, they will happily process call-in contributions of $100 or more. Ph: 949-559-1992.
πŸ“ŒFinally, please consider donating monthly, even if it's just a few dollars. No donation is too small. Bunnies need you!
🐰Paralysis in rabbits is often not permanent, especially if caused by trauma (unless bones are broken, of course). But with lots of TLC, we have witnessed many miracles in the past. We're hoping this is one of those cases that the right healer can mend! Some of you remember Graciella, who was 90% paralyzed. Well, she's almost normal now, and we will be sharing a happy video soon.
🌻Thank you so very much for caring. We hope you'll contribute mercifully to Baby's case and share him wherever permitted.
πŸ’•With ongoing gratitude,
~BWF Volunteers



Leave Bunnies OUT of Easter

#LeaveBunniesOUTofEaster BWF full quote: ❝We've been rescuing and fighting for the rights of domestic rabbits for going on 16 years and watching the public continue to not only disregard the suffering caused by rabbit breeders and those who support them, but actively participate in the cruelty by purchasing living rabbits all year long and during the worst surge of misery that is Easter time. Those who care nothing for rabbits can still consider the whopping financial burden placed on public shelters drowning in unwanted domestic rabbits, with taxpayers footing the bill. Enough is enough, this is easily avoidable!
Let this be the year more people finally show mercy and say NO to treating living rabbits like Easter toys! Rabbits are not disposable props, toys, or gifts! They are highly sensitive, fragile, intelligent, high maintenance companion animals who need and deserve responsible adopters ready for the 10+ year commitment of proper care.
Every penny placed into the pockets of those who breed and sell the poor rabbits DIRECTLY fuels the cycle of immeasurable suffering for the poor species. The fastest way to stop the bleeding where it starts is to simply refuse to reward those causing all the harm. Boycott breeders and pet stores that sell rabbits. Easy as that. It's the least we can do for the poor rabbits. As we've begged over and over: Please never breed, buy, sell, give away, exploit, or dump a bunny.❞ ~Bunny World Foundation



BWF Board Approves Vegan Menu Policy

Since we at BWF love and respect all animals. we serve exclusively vegan food at any events that are sponsored or funded by Bunny World Foundation.